Added on May 3, 2009
Length: 00:58 | Comments: 0
The little kitten is just turning three weeks old. He is smart and clever kitten so I thought I would try giving him some goats milk and he does like to drink it. . The little one isn't too steady on his feet just yet. He is a little shaky drinking the milk. We had quite the conversation after. I thought you may get a laugh from his meows. I did. He is quite the talker and then there's me doing my silly kitten talk again. Sorry I know it can be irritating. He has a very dirty face from always nursing on his mom. He is the only kitten Shyloh had and she adores the little guy. She brings him socks and toys and all kinds of things. Shyloh meows and purrs to him all the time. Sorry about the video being a bit blurry at times. Most of you may know that cats and kittens are lactose intolerant so they can't have regular milk (cow's milk). They can have goat's milk and soy milk. I am so proud of this little one because usually Persian and Himalayan kittens don't start eating on their own until they are about five weeks old and here he is already drinking milk.
Channels: Funny
Tags: kitten kittens cute adorable white persian funny meow baby kitty drinking milk cat shalladore cats gato katze saskatoon