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FAIL Dog Food For Kids! Toy Review by Mike Mozart and Coco Puff the Black Lab of JeepersMedia


Added on May 3, 2009

Length: 01:55 | Comments: 0

FUNNY Dog Food for Kids Toy Review by Michael Mozart and the Official JeepersMedia Mascot, The Black Lab Coco Puff Jeepers Media Your Toy and Product Guru. Kooky Chews is a candy toy made for kids! Its packages mini dog kibble cookies in a dog bowl with a dog bone sweet tart like treat!! My Black Labrador Retriever dog Coco Puff is a special guest star reviewer! As you might recall from earlier reviews My cute little Lab doggie has a few surprises of her own. This package of candy pet food should be on your menu today! Could be a bowl for cats or kittens as well.

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Dog  Food  For  Kids  FUNNY  Toy  Product  Coco  Puff  Black  Lab  Labrador  Review  Michael  Mozart  Guru  Pets  Cats  Kitty  Puppies  Kitten  Puppy  Dumbass  Cute  XD 


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