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New take on a classic concept -- Bicycle trick 00:50

New take on a classic concept -- Bicycle trick

by bizhat
1165 views, 6043 days ago

One guy has a camera. Other guy has a bike. Biker decides to jump down tall cliff. Cameraman records. Same ending everytime. Ouch!

Motocross The Sphere 02:36

Motocross The Sphere

by bizhat
1161 views, 6066 days ago

A bunch of motocross riders enter the sphere and ride around.

JJKK 01:11


by okyoussef
1156 views, 5900 days ago


Jaguar 00:06


by aja123
1152 views, 6175 days ago

Jaguar video test

Truck falling in a ravine in Norway 00:37

Truck falling in a ravine in Norway

by nobodynowhere
1145 views, 4422 days ago

Truck falling in a ravine in Norway

What Kind of Helicopter Is That 00:15

What Kind of Helicopter Is That

by bizhat
1144 views, 6063 days ago

Listen to what this reporter calls a helicopter that is surveying the scene of a crash.

Annoying Bird 00:22

Annoying Bird

by bizhat
1142 views, 6062 days ago

Ford now takes care of annoying birds

Race car kick flip 00:19

Race car kick flip

by bizhat
1138 views, 6036 days ago

Another race car crash but this one is cool because the car almost does a kick flip.

Cart Smash 00:30

Cart Smash

by bizhat
1136 views, 6064 days ago

Damn these kids are crazy!...

Look Out Below 00:45

Look Out Below

by bizhat
1136 views, 6043 days ago

A horrifyiing helicoptor accident is averted when only the door goes flying off into the crowd

Chevrolet Aveo Stunt 00:30

Chevrolet Aveo Stunt

by Neue_Chevrolet_Aveo
1133 views, 4603 days ago

Der Chevrolet Aveo sucht das Abenteuer: Aveos erster Skydive, Bunge-Jump und Kick-Flip. 100% reale Stunts. F�r einen Blick hinter die Kulissen hier klicken: h...

 Dude Wipes Out On Wheelie 00:34

Dude Wipes Out On Wheelie

by bizhat
1121 views, 6064 days ago

A group of guys on motorcycles come through town. One of them attempts to show off with a wheelie and bites it.

fdfdfd 00:31


by papa123
1102 views, 6221 days ago


gheble 00:00


by sibichan
1101 views, 5553 days ago


videoitup - Very Hot Aston Martin 03:40

videoitup - Very Hot Aston Martin

by gwbrasil
1099 views, 4580 days ago

Very Hot Aston Martin. videoitup at www.mypaytube.com and Save Money, Make Money Live Better.

Best General Auto Insurance Online 01:12

Best General Auto Insurance Online

by Number1Insurance
1097 views, 4851 days ago

For the Best Auto Insurance Coverage you can get online, go to www.number1ins.com Specializing in California Auto Insurance and DMV Registration

Ferrari F60 01:36

Ferrari F60

by schneiderm
1093 views, 5927 days ago

Monaco Ferrari f60

Unlucky Biker Hits an Even Unluckier Deer 00:43

Unlucky Biker Hits an Even Unluckier Deer

by bizhat
1091 views, 6065 days ago

One deer sliced by motorcycle

Test 04:48


by bcbc
1084 views, 5543 days ago


testing1234 01:00


by qqwwqq
1080 views, 5996 days ago


Falling alseep in your car while its on isn't the best idea 02:05

Falling alseep in your car while its on isn't the best idea

by bizhat
1079 views, 6037 days ago

I think if I was revving my engine that loud I would wake up but I guess it's going to take the engine blowing up for them to wake up.