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CNN reporting on South Park 02:31

CNN reporting on South Park

by bizhat
1334 views, 6038 days ago

That's a funny response I thought they would have been pissed.

Atv rider falling out of the sky 00:19

Atv rider falling out of the sky

by bizhat
812 views, 6038 days ago

I hope, for his sake, that the atv didn't land on him also.

Bombs exploding compilation 05:43

Bombs exploding compilation

by bizhat
1355 views, 6038 days ago

Some gnarly explosions all wrapped up in one exploding video.

A Realistic Human 02:20

A Realistic Human

by bizhat
1754 views, 6038 days ago

This robot is so life like. Amazing!!! Now give him an AK47 and he can be a real life terminator.

Another car sliding in the snow accident 00:30

Another car sliding in the snow accident

by bizhat
1241 views, 6038 days ago

Cop cameras always catch the coolest crashes.

Rally car slides into people, again. 00:41

Rally car slides into people, again.

by bizhat
1401 views, 6038 days ago

We showed this video a few days ago but here it is again from a different angle.

One crazy ass motorcycle rider 01:11

One crazy ass motorcycle rider

by bizhat
1312 views, 6038 days ago

I just want to know how fast this guy was actually was going because it looked like he was going about 2000 mph.

Car driving on two wheels 01:16

Car driving on two wheels

by bizhat
1322 views, 6038 days ago

Can you imagine seeing this thing fly past you on the freeway driving on two wheels?

How to make your paper longer 02:47

How to make your paper longer

by bizhat
1863 views, 6038 days ago

Writing an essay and need some to take up some more room? Then watch this little trick.

Live TV blooper 00:12

Live TV blooper

by bizhat
1127 views, 6038 days ago

The guy in the background makes this chick look really cheap.

Soccer player kicked in the face 00:30

Soccer player kicked in the face

by bizhat
1553 views, 6038 days ago

Headers in soccer aren't always a good idea.

Helicopter blades hit the hanger 02:28

Helicopter blades hit the hanger

by bizhat
1666 views, 6038 days ago

I have always said helicopter crashes at my least favorite to watch because they look so violent.

Kamikaze blows himself up 00:20

Kamikaze blows himself up

by bizhat
1782 views, 6038 days ago

What kind of kamikaze crashes into water anyways.

How to escape handcuffs 01:00

How to escape handcuffs

by bizhat
1185 views, 6038 days ago

Too bad I don't wear bobby pins otherwise I could get away from the cops.

Motorcart crash REALLY hard tossing one guy 00:21

Motorcart crash REALLY hard tossing one guy

by bizhat
1444 views, 6037 days ago

The guy who got tossed out earlier looks like he was lucky because the guy in the cart looks like he got messed up.

Skirt blow up prank part 2 01:11

Skirt blow up prank part 2

by bizhat
1646 views, 6037 days ago

Here is part 2 of the same prank.

Mexican Theme Park 01:57

Mexican Theme Park

by bizhat
1343 views, 6037 days ago

I want to go to this theme park just to try and get away. Its really ghetto but actually sounds like a cool idea.

Big guy rapping in his commerical 02:01

Big guy rapping in his commerical

by bizhat
1538 views, 6037 days ago

This big black guy hopping around raping isn't my first idea of a good commercial but is sure is a funny one.

Amazing french beat boxer 01:35

Amazing french beat boxer

by bizhat
1444 views, 6037 days ago

I know we have several beat boxing videos but they never seem to get old.

That is one weird ass commerical 00:29

That is one weird ass commerical

by bizhat
1138 views, 6037 days ago

This is almost borderline creepy but makes me want to down down there and check out this guy's store.

This kids tries to catch his mom while dizzy 00:16

This kids tries to catch his mom while dizzy

by bizhat
1388 views, 6037 days ago

This video was pretty funny. I love how he stumbles from one hallway to the next.