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Typical redneck hunting trip 00:59

Typical redneck hunting trip

by bizhat
937 views, 5942 days ago

So who would be in trouble in this video? The 911 operator or the redneck?

Guy goes crazy with his eyes on Peoples Court 01:15

Guy goes crazy with his eyes on Peoples Court

by bizhat
1404 views, 5942 days ago

Some dude makes a mockery of Peoples Court but I think the mustache link we post a few months ago was way better.

Funny insurance commercial 01:09

Funny insurance commercial

by bizhat
1729 views, 5942 days ago

I wanted to see this video play out but it was still pretty funny.

Hockey fight that only takes one punch to end 01:15

Hockey fight that only takes one punch to end

by bizhat
1208 views, 5942 days ago

The fight ends just as fast as it starts.

Cool fire rescue 00:43

Cool fire rescue

by bizhat
1599 views, 5942 days ago

This guy got pretty lucky that he was saved. I thought he was going to slip off while jump to the window next door.

Skater snaps leg 00:22

Skater snaps leg

by bizhat
1105 views, 5942 days ago

This kid tries a board slide or something but slips off and actually snaps his leg. Then he yells in pain.

Base jumping gone bad 00:24

Base jumping gone bad

by bizhat
1307 views, 5942 days ago

He opens his chute with only 50 feet left in the fall and takes a rough beating into the ground but he does survive.

Guy rips off his dead toe nail 02:01

Guy rips off his dead toe nail

by bizhat
1019 views, 5942 days ago

Just to give you a fair warning, I didn't watch this whole video it grossed me out.

Guy tries to burn ex-wife alive 02:24

Guy tries to burn ex-wife alive

by bizhat
1143 views, 5942 days ago

I can't believe someone would actually do this and he does while she was at work. I wonder if she got fired.

Motorcycle jump gone way wrong 00:10

Motorcycle jump gone way wrong

by bizhat
1547 views, 5942 days ago

I would think the most important part of this stunt would be to line the bike up right to make sure you actually go off the jump, with your bike.

Jet taking off and flying really low 00:23

Jet taking off and flying really low

by bizhat
1574 views, 5942 days ago

The weird thing is that it didn't look like it was going very fast either but it had to be going at least 200 mph+

Boy at Best Buy dancing on tape 01:52

Boy at Best Buy dancing on tape

by bizhat
839 views, 5942 days ago

He doesn't know the camera was recording and he sings and dances for us all

The most technically advanced cat toy 01:50

The most technically advanced cat toy

by bizhat
1204 views, 5942 days ago

I don't know what this kid was thinking but if my cat was doing this to my computer I think I would probably kill it.

truck tries to cross very strong river 00:47

truck tries to cross very strong river

by bizhat
1177 views, 5942 days ago

I guess it was a very important deadline they needed to hit because trying to cross this river was almost a guaranteed failure.

Picking Nose on Live tv 00:19

Picking Nose on Live tv

by bizhat
1523 views, 5942 days ago

Another guy is caught picking his nose (we had a clips just like this a week or two ago) and this guy eats it also!

Motorcycle rider eats crap around turn 00:15

Motorcycle rider eats crap around turn

by bizhat
1193 views, 5942 days ago

When motorcycle riders go down they go down hard and this is guy is exception to the rule.

Head on collison while running from the cops 00:07

Head on collison while running from the cops

by bizhat
1252 views, 5942 days ago

Note to self "When running from cops heading into on coming traffic is not a good idea"

Downhill rider eats crap 00:22

Downhill rider eats crap

by bizhat
1399 views, 5942 days ago

A kid goes off a drop but at the bottom of the hill he hits something and goes head first into the ground.

Michael Jackson can beat box too 01:10

Michael Jackson can beat box too

by bizhat
1540 views, 5942 days ago

He should just stick to singing because beat boxing just isn't his thing, and I am not so sure if singing still is either.

Guy tries to get Judge on Peoples Court to call him Doctor 01:42

Guy tries to get Judge on Peoples Court to call him Doctor

by bizhat
1118 views, 5942 days ago

I am not sure how this guy got his Doctrine because it is a complete idiot.

Bald Brittany Video 01:21

Bald Brittany Video

by bizhat
1678 views, 5942 days ago

I am sure most of you already know that Brittany shaved her head but here a news cast of it.