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Rollerblader snaps arm falling off a rail 00:12

Rollerblader snaps arm falling off a rail

by bizhat
967 views, 5943 days ago

Watching them land a trick is always cool but watching them fall is always more entertaining.

Airbag explodes on nuts 00:27

Airbag explodes on nuts

by bizhat
1092 views, 5943 days ago

That just sounds like a bad idea, why would anyone try this? You have to know going into that you're going yo get messed up.

Dirtbike shoots up into the bleachers during a race 00:10

Dirtbike shoots up into the bleachers during a race

by bizhat
878 views, 5943 days ago

His throttle gets stuck and as he goes around the berm his launches off it into the bleachers.

Boat hits sand bar and flips 00:08

Boat hits sand bar and flips

by bizhat
1041 views, 5943 days ago

I have never seen a boat race like this before and while watching it I knew it was going to be a horrible crash.

Guy falls backwards out of a car 00:47

Guy falls backwards out of a car

by bizhat
913 views, 5943 days ago

Do you ever get tired of watching idiots get hurt? Yea me either.

Urban Sprinting 03:18

Urban Sprinting

by bizhat
908 views, 5943 days ago

Steal something, wait for security to show up, and try to outrun them.

Skier tries to jump the highway 00:20

Skier tries to jump the highway

by bizhat
1397 views, 5943 days ago

The keyword is TRIES because this guy lands right on his back and comes up way short. I am surprised he gets up after breaking his back.

Rocket launcher kickback takes out soldier 00:14

Rocket launcher kickback takes out soldier

by bizhat
1281 views, 5943 days ago

That must have been his first time shooting and I am assuming it's going to be his last...what a wuss.

Amazing hockey goal 00:50

Amazing hockey goal

by bizhat
997 views, 5943 days ago

He is sliding and takes a one handed chop to make the winning goal.

Race car skids off the track and runs over people 00:17

Race car skids off the track and runs over people

by bizhat
1923 views, 5943 days ago

There seems to be a lot of these types of video on our site right now but they are still pretty gnarly to watch.

Some sick jet ski moves 01:27

Some sick jet ski moves

by bizhat
1222 views, 5943 days ago

Some of these guys pull some rad tricks and they can do them without even using a jump.

Skater pulls off a face plant 00:09

Skater pulls off a face plant

by bizhat
1593 views, 5943 days ago

This guy doesn't even get close to landing it but he does mess up his face pretty bad.

Skier falls out of the skiies and eats crap 00:02

Skier falls out of the skiies and eats crap

by bizhat
833 views, 5943 days ago

This is my new trick I like to call Superman To The Rescue!

Cat attacks reporter on live tv 01:13

Cat attacks reporter on live tv

by bizhat
1405 views, 5943 days ago

You know as soon as the camera shut off she started whining and crying.

Motorcycle rear ends car and flips 00:39

Motorcycle rear ends car and flips

by bizhat
1193 views, 5943 days ago

What the hell? Was that his first time riding a bike or something?

Cop gets dragged along side a car 00:22

Cop gets dragged along side a car

by bizhat
1318 views, 5943 days ago

It seems like a routine traffic stop until they take off, with the cop on the side of the car!

Bull fighter gets what he deserves 00:48

Bull fighter gets what he deserves

by bizhat
808 views, 5943 days ago

These matadors deserve to get their ass kicked for torturing these bulls before they kill them.

Skater gets wind knocked out of him 00:50

Skater gets wind knocked out of him

by bizhat
1207 views, 5943 days ago

He probably get more than just the wind knocked out of him but I guess we will never know.

What goes up must come down, right? 00:14

What goes up must come down, right?

by bizhat
1173 views, 5943 days ago

Some dude screws up his bowling shot and I don't think the ball return works up there.

Annoying Devil is back again 03:29

Annoying Devil is back again

by bizhat
1092 views, 5943 days ago

We posted a video of the devil a while ago and here is another video for you to enjoy.

Wheel of fortune idiot 01:17

Wheel of fortune idiot

by bizhat
1689 views, 5943 days ago

Even if you didn't know the answer you have to know it obviously wasn't Pluto.