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 Missing Glass Door Prank 00:23

Missing Glass Door Prank

by bizhat
1716 views, 5914 days ago

This is cute

Gifted Baby 00:10

Gifted Baby

by bizhat
1220 views, 5914 days ago

This baby has special fart powers

Waterballoon Catapult 01:37

Waterballoon Catapult

by bizhat
740 views, 5914 days ago

Slinging waterballoons at a dog and his owner

How To Blow Up A Boat 01:12

How To Blow Up A Boat

by bizhat
1336 views, 5914 days ago

Blow them up real good!!

Soccer For Life 00:47

Soccer For Life

by bizhat
1435 views, 5909 days ago

Women or Soccer? That is the question

When Animals Attack -- Tiger strikes a hunter 00:30

When Animals Attack -- Tiger strikes a hunter

by bizhat
1392 views, 5896 days ago

Watch this tiger go vertical and grab on to a hunter. Serves this hunter right. I would not want to be that hunter when the tiger grabs hold.

Caught on tape: Bus rams straight into a crane 00:38

Caught on tape: Bus rams straight into a crane

by bizhat
990 views, 5896 days ago

A parked crane is in use to fixing the freeway street sign when an unsuspecting tour buses . Buses was going fast too. I can't tell if anyone was on the crane but this doesn't look good.

Backflip by Mr Inflexible and No Coordination 00:36

Backflip by Mr Inflexible and No Coordination

by bizhat
930 views, 5896 days ago

This is why we leave backflips to the trained acrobats. Do not try this at home... if you did, you'll see the results.

Head on collision - Two Trains 00:46

Head on collision - Two Trains

by bizhat
1257 views, 5895 days ago

There was a malfunction with the rail switch and two trains get up close and personal.

Lighting bolt strikes a tree 00:35

Lighting bolt strikes a tree

by bizhat
1132 views, 5895 days ago

This guy in Georgia records a good clip of lighting striking a tree. Imagine what it can do to a person.

Crazy racecar accident... hope he wore his seatbelt 00:09

Crazy racecar accident... hope he wore his seatbelt

by bizhat
1089 views, 5895 days ago

This clip made me jump out of my chair. Hope driver wore a full body armor.

Everything is cooler in slow motion 01:41

Everything is cooler in slow motion

by bizhat
927 views, 5889 days ago

The balloons exploding are pretty cool but damn those ass shakes are killer.

Reverse waterfall 01:08

Reverse waterfall

by bizhat
1299 views, 5889 days ago

This is the one place in the world where gravity doesn't take effect. Ahhh Just kidding I don't know who this happens.

Motorcycle runs into van 00:55

Motorcycle runs into van

by bizhat
1256 views, 5889 days ago

Ever hear of these funny things called brakes? Yea they allow you to stop so you don't run into vans like that.

Golf is a tough sport, even pros can't hit the ball 01:03

Golf is a tough sport, even pros can't hit the ball

by bizhat
1311 views, 5889 days ago

How embarrassing is that? Caught messing up on TV and everything. I like how he tries to play it off.

Girl on a scooter falls head first 00:14

Girl on a scooter falls head first

by bizhat
1101 views, 5889 days ago

Maybe now she won't ride scooters anymore...scooters are lame.

Ever see someone get KOed from a slap? 00:15

Ever see someone get KOed from a slap?

by bizhat
1081 views, 5889 days ago

I know I haven't seen that until now. Damn that his one hard hitting slap, jezzzz.

Kid nailed by speeding car 00:08

Kid nailed by speeding car

by bizhat
1627 views, 5889 days ago

Road rage got the best of this driver. He tries to zoom past the cars but little did he know he was going to ruin the rest of his day and the kid.

Kite flier gets slammed 00:17

Kite flier gets slammed

by bizhat
741 views, 5888 days ago

The wind is too strong for this guy to handle and he gets dragged, slammed and drenched.

Another bad race car crash 01:25

Another bad race car crash

by bizhat
1402 views, 5888 days ago

This one takes place in Orlando and is probably one of the worst that has taken place there.

Miss using 911 is a big No No 00:47

Miss using 911 is a big No No

by bizhat
971 views, 5888 days ago

Some people are so stupid and get arrested for some stupid reasons. This is one of those times.