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Awesome hockey save 00:54

Awesome hockey save

by bizhat
1208 views, 6060 days ago

This was so close it even faked out the crowd.

Girls can play soccer too 01:53

Girls can play soccer too

by bizhat
1499 views, 6060 days ago

I beat she hurt the pride of a lot of boys.

Baseball player fake being hit by pitch 02:33

Baseball player fake being hit by pitch

by bizhat
980 views, 6060 days ago

This guy is just a huge bitch.

Tough rally car corner 01:46

Tough rally car corner

by bizhat
1205 views, 6060 days ago

I can see one or two cars not making this turn but damn there was a lot of cars not making it and they all crash hard.

An Amazing Bowling Trick 00:10

An Amazing Bowling Trick

by bizhat
1658 views, 6060 days ago

I thought a 7 10 split was hard but this is just crazy.

World Record Ski Jump 01:11

World Record Ski Jump

by bizhat
1691 views, 6060 days ago

This is one of the most craziest things I have seen in a while. This guy has balls of steel to take on a 250 foot drop.

Young soccer superstars 04:59

Young soccer superstars

by bizhat
1409 views, 6060 days ago

These kids so so good now I can't wait to see how they play when they are professionals.

Amazing french beat boxer 01:35

Amazing french beat boxer

by bizhat
1460 views, 6060 days ago

I know we have several beat boxing videos but they never seem to get old.

Soccer player kicked in the face 00:30

Soccer player kicked in the face

by bizhat
1560 views, 6061 days ago

Headers in soccer aren't always a good idea.

Amazing hockey goal 00:50

Amazing hockey goal

by bizhat
1052 views, 6061 days ago

He is sliding and takes a one handed chop to make the winning goal.

Worst hockey slashing 00:31

Worst hockey slashing

by bizhat
1137 views, 6061 days ago

This is the worst slash I have seen. Right to the guys throat. I bet he got suspended for a long ass time.

Urban Sports; knock and don't run 03:42

Urban Sports; knock and don't run

by bizhat
1621 views, 6061 days ago

I tried to think what i would do if someone did this to me and I don't think i would kept answering the door like some of these people.

Homemade gun shoots fireball 00:54

Homemade gun shoots fireball

by bizhat
1198 views, 6061 days ago

Do Not try At Home. Obviously they filled the gun with gas or something and create a nice sized ball of fire. It almost makes me want to go any try this.

Resheed Wallace's full court shot 00:27

Resheed Wallace's full court shot

by bizhat
1601 views, 6061 days ago

At the buzzer to tie the game he makes a full court shot. How much does that suck for the other team. I wonder who ended up winning.

Basketball in the park prank 01:14

Basketball in the park prank

by bizhat
1309 views, 6061 days ago

This prank would have gotten me pretty good. This must have been a little expensive to fix the car each time.

Off the ball and into the wall 00:05

Off the ball and into the wall

by bizhat
1461 views, 6061 days ago

This didn't look like a good idea from the beginning, and what do you know? It wasn't.

A trick bowling shot 00:28

A trick bowling shot

by bizhat
1327 views, 6061 days ago

This guy is going to run out of tricks pretty. I mean seriously, how many tricks can you do with bowing?

Some pretty cool and funny soccer moves 03:25

Some pretty cool and funny soccer moves

by bizhat
1761 views, 6061 days ago

My favorite one is when the guy dances around the ball acting like he is going to go a million different directions.

Kid nailed by speeding car 00:08

Kid nailed by speeding car

by bizhat
1692 views, 6061 days ago

Road rage got the best of this driver. He tries to zoom past the cars but little did he know he was going to ruin the rest of his day and the kid.

Balls of Steel: Miitant Black guy 03:43

Balls of Steel: Miitant Black guy

by bizhat
1545 views, 6061 days ago

You better watch what you say around this guy cause he won't let you get away with anything.

Caron Butlers full court shot 00:20

Caron Butlers full court shot

by bizhat
1417 views, 6061 days ago

It seems like a lot of people are making these shots lately. Are they getting better or luckier?