1106 views, 6063 days ago
Now this is an idea that I would invest in. Imagine watching TV lying in the most comfortable spot in the house. Now if only they can do something about the fridge.
1200 views, 6063 days ago
One man learns that despite how much he's been working out, he's still no match for the power of his gun.
1092 views, 6063 days ago
The airbag diverts from its original means of use to become a weapon of mass destruction for some barrels.
1492 views, 6063 days ago
Funny what a few cans butane and some spare time will do for these amateur fire blowers. Hope they didn't lose an eye brow!
1982 views, 6063 days ago
After stating on Larry King that she had never tried drugs, Paris appears on camera at an Amsterdam 'cafe'. No one believed her anyways...
987 views, 6063 days ago
Dude may not be in the NHL but with stick work like that, you'd think he should be.
1421 views, 6063 days ago
Check out a guy with a 66 inch vertical jump. Some basketball players can't reach that height!
1406 views, 6063 days ago
Rememebr kids, seatbelts are important, as this poor guy found out pretty fast.
1170 views, 6063 days ago
The law is having trouble discerning bstween a battering ram and wall as the cops use the car involved in a hit and run as extreme target practice