1792 views, 6056 days ago
This is pretty awesome. I can't wait for Ford to start making these things.
1109 views, 6056 days ago
With a shot like that why don't you join the NBA instead of coaching?
1121 views, 6056 days ago
Watch the Falkirk Wheel turning . The Wheel is the world's largest boat lift. It transfers canal boats from one canal to another 100 feet higher.
1698 views, 6056 days ago
We posted a video of some kid play Guitar Hero but this kid is the real deal. He plays the real guitar like a pro.
1659 views, 6056 days ago
Why the hell would he try to run from those guys? He should have been going like 200 mph instead of 30 mph. *Warning* Graffic video.
1060 views, 6056 days ago
Serves this guy right. People picking on kids who are twice as small as them deserved to get their ass kicked.
1467 views, 6062 days ago
If you're going to hurt yourself like that make sure you are actually doing something cool and not waste a good fall on doing something as lame as this.
1305 views, 6062 days ago
I thought this was in fast motion but its not. She better get paid double the other secretaries.
1741 views, 6062 days ago
Hmmm I wonder why the milk gets more diluted as you pour into a new glass. Could it be because you have water in the glasses.