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Big guy rapping in his commerical 02:01

Big guy rapping in his commerical

1538 views, 6043 days ago

This big black guy hopping around raping isn't my first idea of a good commercial but is sure is a funny one.

Mexican Theme Park 01:57

Mexican Theme Park

1345 views, 6043 days ago

I want to go to this theme park just to try and get away. Its really ghetto but actually sounds like a cool idea.

Skirt blow up prank part 2 01:11

Skirt blow up prank part 2

1647 views, 6043 days ago

Here is part 2 of the same prank.

Motorcart crash REALLY hard tossing one guy 00:21

Motorcart crash REALLY hard tossing one guy

1447 views, 6043 days ago

The guy who got tossed out earlier looks like he was lucky because the guy in the cart looks like he got messed up.

How to escape handcuffs 01:00

How to escape handcuffs

1187 views, 6043 days ago

Too bad I don't wear bobby pins otherwise I could get away from the cops.

Kamikaze blows himself up 00:20

Kamikaze blows himself up

1786 views, 6043 days ago

What kind of kamikaze crashes into water anyways.

Helicopter blades hit the hanger 02:28

Helicopter blades hit the hanger

1667 views, 6043 days ago

I have always said helicopter crashes at my least favorite to watch because they look so violent.

Soccer player kicked in the face 00:30

Soccer player kicked in the face

1553 views, 6043 days ago

Headers in soccer aren't always a good idea.

Live TV blooper 00:12

Live TV blooper

1129 views, 6043 days ago

The guy in the background makes this chick look really cheap.