1692 views, 6084 days ago
A lot of people checked out the recent Weird Al Yankovic video White and Nerdy we posted earlier this week. Here is an older one thats pretty good too.
1175 views, 6084 days ago
Couple guys do some extreme offroading with their Jeep. They lose traction while going over some rocks and end flipping the Jeep down the moutain.
1727 views, 6085 days ago
First they learn the words and then put them to use. I almost wet myself laughing when the guy goes, "Orh, Dis is Dick".You've got to hand it to them, they make some really funny (weird) clips.
1250 views, 6085 days ago
A couple goes walking by two troublemakers in a park when suddenly one of them punches the guys girlfriend.The boyfriend ends up whoopin both of their asses.
1042 views, 6085 days ago
Check out this toddler rocking out to the new Hatebreed album.. He's got metal in his veins..
1129 views, 6085 days ago
A group of guys on motorcycles come through town. One of them attempts to show off with a wheelie and bites it.